i had a conversation with ms. martha..hahaha
we were talking about friendship....
thing is..i don't really talk much..(actually i don't talk at all,,hahaha)
for the past 5 years? i was only attached to one group..faithfools..
maybe because i was very much at ease that they are always here to stay..
cause they live in the area...
so maybe that was the reason why i don't join groups of friends in college..
cause some live far apart...
well except for neri, kent, daphnie, trish who were my first classmates when i entered..
but after that?i set foot alone...
..i have a hard time when i get attached to people...
..i am sensitive, it just doesn't show much..
i don't know but i love having friends but i'd rather be alone..
still can't figure why..but when i know i'll tell you...
anyway..thing is...for almost five years in college...
i never thought i'll meet a group that i would enjoy their company..
actually it's 2 groups..i met 1 group a year earlier
then i met the other group just about the last last sem..
..it happened last sem,,surprisingly they were in one section..
then...for i don't know what reason..they slowly became close with each other until the last 2 months? of the semester..
they went to eat after class..usually at mcdo..
their laguna trip(i guess) made them even more close and produced the name "salisi gang"
watching the two groups together..it was just amazing..
laughing and sharing stories like there was only one group instead of two..
i tagged along cause i both know the people from the groups..
until now after seeing them..
it was just pure happiness.. and an irremovable smile in my face while with them...
but honestly i haven't really considered myself as part of the gang..
cause it was two groups merging and i wasn't really part of neither groups..
cause i was always on solo flight mode..but these freaking gurls...haha
i just got so attached cause you could really feel the warm welcome in the group..
the non-stop laughter, and endless conversation...
how could you not love them?

so there now i'm so attached with them..
that i freaking love them so much...
i'd cry buckets of tears when the last sem will end..
i thank the Lord much for having me meet them...
i soo have no regrets for graduating late.....
i love you guys so much!!!!
( i barely mean it when i say "i love you",,but in this case? i do mean it I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!-it's true-)
debbie! salve! digz! cez! rubie! janina! may! deth! dawn! madz! martha! charm!
i love you guys!!!!!!
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