Sunday, October 31, 2010
not so happy, it's halloween
in a few hours...
the clocks gonna strike 12...
and the start of sleepless nights will begin..
(well actually it usually lasts a week)
halloween is my very much not so favorite holiday....
i don't believe in ghosts but i'm scared of them..(hahahaha)
and everything almost on tv are horror shows..
having a broad imagination for this kind of day isn't really good...
oh well....just hope i could survive the night...hahaha
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
my night turned my day around.. i didn't really had a good of a morning...
every moment was badtrip!...i thought i'd be goin back to cutting wrists...
i just could not take what was happenin to me....
afternoon..i got online, not much of the gang were online...
so i slept that moment....
waking up....there was deth, may, janina, cez, and charm.....
had the time to chat with them but not that long..
deth has her work tomorrow...
and may has something to do i guess....
so there was only the 4 of us left...
it started kinda boring...
hahaha there...
and hahahaha here...
then things got personal...asking questions and stuff...
but the whole night chatting with them,...
it was changed my whole day...
and my sembreak as well....
although i wished all salisi was present at that time..
it would be twice thrice the laugh...
anyway...that's it for now...
thanks JANINA, CHARM and CEZ...
iloveyou gurls....hihi
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
i had a conversation with ms. martha..hahaha
we were talking about friendship....
thing is..i don't really talk much..(actually i don't talk at all,,hahaha)
for the past 5 years? i was only attached to one group..faithfools..
maybe because i was very much at ease that they are always here to stay..
cause they live in the area...
so maybe that was the reason why i don't join groups of friends in college..
cause some live far apart...
well except for neri, kent, daphnie, trish who were my first classmates when i entered..
but after that?i set foot alone...
..i have a hard time when i get attached to people...
..i am sensitive, it just doesn't show much..
i don't know but i love having friends but i'd rather be alone..
still can't figure why..but when i know i'll tell you...
anyway..thing is...for almost five years in college...
i never thought i'll meet a group that i would enjoy their company..
actually it's 2 groups..i met 1 group a year earlier
then i met the other group just about the last last sem.. happened last sem,,surprisingly they were in one section..
then...for i don't know what reason..they slowly became close with each other until the last 2 months? of the semester..
they went to eat after class..usually at mcdo..
their laguna trip(i guess) made them even more close and produced the name "salisi gang"
watching the two groups was just amazing..
laughing and sharing stories like there was only one group instead of two..
i tagged along cause i both know the people from the groups..
until now after seeing them..
it was just pure happiness.. and an irremovable smile in my face while with them...
but honestly i haven't really considered myself as part of the gang..
cause it was two groups merging and i wasn't really part of neither groups..
cause i was always on solo flight mode..but these freaking gurls...haha
i just got so attached cause you could really feel the warm welcome in the group..
the non-stop laughter, and endless conversation...
how could you not love them?

so there now i'm so attached with them..
that i freaking love them so much...
i'd cry buckets of tears when the last sem will end..
i thank the Lord much for having me meet them...
i soo have no regrets for graduating late.....
i love you guys so much!!!!
( i barely mean it when i say "i love you",,but in this case? i do mean it I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!-it's true-)
debbie! salve! digz! cez! rubie! janina! may! deth! dawn! madz! martha! charm!
i love you guys!!!!!!
moved on?
do i ever really move on from a feeling??(i wonder)
cause just got home from a reception(wedding)
a friend i liked where after she had her boyfriend...
i disappeared from the face of her earth..haha
anyway..back then...we had pet names...
can't really relate the whole story but to make it short(i hope)
it started when i applied at jollibee valleygolf...
she was already a crew there...
so i was new,,and i don't really talk much..
but i had to be friendly cause it's work so i need to cooperate..
warmed up and got close to them,,,
i was starting to like her,,,but i really have no plans on courting anybody...
anyway..i decided i'll give her something then i'll look the other way..
the scenario was she was to leave her school around 9am to go to work..
and i would wait for her at the waiting shed near the school to surprise her..
things got complicated cause i was hoping for the help of some of her friends but couldn't make due to some reasons..
so i was on my own...
underneath the shed i waited..
suddenly i saw her..called for her and saw her surprised face then i gave her the paperbag..
(stuff toy with soooo many candies mainly potchi and lalas..)
it was already clear to me that i'm only a friend...
the only thing i really wanted was to make her feel special..i guess..
i thought that was it but the following day? oh my goodness,..
as i went in the store..smiles from her friends can be seen..
then her manager friend talked about what happened..
i was like pale-face from that moment..
then they made names they called me "potchie"
they called her "lala"
..and ever since she called me withthat nickname even the others..
(which was a bit distracting? cause it was a nickname of my ex)
..back to the was a long time since i last saw her...
when she saw me...she was like "hi potchie"..with simple stare in her eyes..
i was like frozen all throughout...
and i don't know why...hahahahaha
*unfinished(i guess)
post it! quick: enrollment edition
so there,, waked up at 7.30 and finally decided i'll go to school even if my bed's really pulling me back in...
i was so sleepy... adapted from the motto of Digz... "masandal tulog"..
got to school around 9 or 10?...
then went straight to the department area..
..waited for the line to be gone then got my grades..
(which i still consider the contents and the GWA a joke)
..after it went down and looked for them(salisi gang)
saw dawn and digna...while the others sitting on the line waiting their turns to pay..
(the line was freaking long)
after they got paid went to NB to get their scheds...
then i learned that the schedule for this sem was..
T/F 12-7.30
and that was it.... i was like..
WHAT THE?! badtrip! 2 days only?...i'll be spending my last sem with these people for only 2 days a week?!
anyway.,lunch time we went to eat..
there was so many people inside Mcdonalds,,
they decided to transfer to Yellowcab...
and there "lakas makatambay"..laughing, sharing stories...
gawrsh i miss them much...
but i think i missed dawn a lot...cause while she was talking..
i just realized i missed her..!!hahaha.. weird...
(maybe because i could still see the others move for the past week through skype)
then when back to school...after an hour..
it was time to go home...
a sad feeling lingered...
but hoping to see them next week and..
i love these guys......
"just for experience": election edition
just got home and sooooooooooooooo tired….i was up from 5am until now..need so much sleep….
anyway.. why do we sometimes do things “just for experience”..
even if we really don’t know the outcome of it..
whatever..this “just for experience” brought me to a “never ever to be experienced again”
i signed up as a third member for the barangay poll elections..
i psyched myself that I’d be up early in the morning and be retiring early morning of the next day…
but it just didn’t happen, the voting was held from 7am to 3pm..
and in the precinct I’m in..
instead of 300 something voters, ours came down to a hundred…
the election process? no qualms about it…
the canvassing? the furnishing of minutes? oh my goodness…
it was sooo detailed and I really don’t like having to sign my name for some documents(especially where one is about the law)..
“just for experience”? no, nah nevermind…I’d rather vote or stay at home…
oh my poor fingers and I didn’t even vote….
oh..and..i missed salisi gang much…
(should i? or should I not go to school tomorrow?..well actually it’s can i?)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
crossing fingers (awl)
anyway...soooo tired already....still have to wake up at 4am tomorrow/later if i even get to sleep...
crossing fingers.....

there's only two scenarios i know when we cross our fingers...
one is when we lie... the other is when we hope for something to happen...
guilty on both accounts but mostly i do it when i hope for something...
i wonder why some cross their fingers when they lie..what does it mean?
will it make the lie believable?
or is it just the same with hoping for something..(hoping not to get caught that is)
.....and still i wonder....
as for hoping for something...why do we cross our fingers? is it magical..??
hoping to pass the exams.. getting through a defense.. and maybe even making the rain stop...
i wonder what's the percentage of the success when you cross your fingers...
there's just so many things i wonder about, i don't know why i still bother...
and i just remembered the restaurant we used to eat at near Valleygolf..
it was East Garden(still not sure)
just wanted to share......cause i had a hard time trying to remember the name...
(thanks to emerald garden i somehow remembered)
sadly i could not find any picture of it anymore...
i was with some of my barkada earlier(the usual present members),
we met up at SM Taytay around 15mins. before closing time..hahaha
i miss them much cause it's been almost a month since i last saw them... we spent the last few minutes at Worlds of Fun...
..tito toto and my daddie chris spent their last token playing thrill drive..
while sady just wanted to watched them...sooooooo....
i had 2 tokens left.. i was tired to play any race or shooting(ball and gun) games..
so it was between riding the small machines for kids or
the -i don't know if you can really get a stuff toy- machine....
but i was really getting lazy and about to get crazy( i soo love rhyming)
that i went for the second option...
and i was also thinking of someone at that moment..
*toink a token went down,, positioned the grabber,, dropped it then
*poof FAIL...just manage to move the stuff toy..
had 1 token left,,,*toink token went down...
i was thinking of her while moving the joystick...
and just pressed that big red button and was like...
(bahala na..maubos lang yung token,,,
asa naman makuha ko yan para kay ...... hindi ko rin naman mabibgay)
then suddenly it grabs its body...sliding to the head (i was like darn it paasa pa)
but then it held on...i watched the stuff toy getting dragged to the prize box....
and as soon as i had it in my hands...(magustuhan kaya ni ......)
=darn it! it's getting's always her i think about='s a picture of the stuff toy.....

that's it for now..have to rest a bit...still have 3 hours for resting...
i missed the chat and the skype with salisi gang...
i miss them much!!!!!
start of something new
Good morning!......
oh! uhm...thanks marti....
(for somehow encouraging me to put up this blog site..hahaha)